stage 2 , grade 3 breast cancer. Triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma.
Back in February, my day began as any other day...until I felt a lump while breast feeding. I went in to see my OB/GYN who thought it was just a clogged milk duct. We waited to finish breast-feeding in April and the lump was still there. I'm a schoolteacher so I didn't want to miss days from work so I scheduled a mammogram in June. On June 7th I went in to get a mammogram ultrasound and it was not a clogged duct so the Dr decided to do a biopsy that very afternoon. My first thought was of my parents. The year prior they dealt with heart problems and now my dad was dealing with cancer himself. My mom is superwoman and always takes care of all her kids. I was worried it would be too much on them. We had to wait an entire weekend for the results.
I have an awesome sister and sister-in-law's! During one of the treatments I threw my back out. So I can only crawl and I was sick! The chemo is not the worst part... it's all the side effects that come with it. No one talks about that as much. My second four rounds weren't as bad. I was able to function a lot better just the side effects or worse. I lost my hair after the second round of chemo and that was kind of tough. I did get to donate it before it started falling out though.
When my hair started falling out I didn't want to touch it, brush it or wash it. My parents came over because I was sad. So they called my neighbor and she came over and shaved my head. My dad also shaved his again. My dad is still going through chemo and will the next three years. He is my hero! My mom is my hero because she has to put up with us when we're all drugged up. My sister is a great person to look stuff up and research. She found some stuff that supposedly helps to keep your eyelashes and eyebrows. I was faithful in applying it every day, but when my neighbor shaved my head she clipped my eyebrow! Now that's funny stuff. I'm so blessed with the family I have! They have taken care of me and my family from the beginning. My husband has kept it real and tried to stay in as much of a routine as possible. That helps me stay positive and keep going for my family. I prayed from the day that I found out I had cancer that God would use me as a vessel. He has opened so many doors of opportunity, and has blessed my family like you would not believe. I pray I can be encouragement for someone else. People still make you feel good all the time you just have to listen for the positives.
Today I'm getting a scan to see if the cancer is gone and the lady checking me in thought I was Rep! That makes you feel good! Even though I have no eyebrows no eyelashes and no hair and my fingernails are coming off... wigs, make up and press on nails can make a girl feel good! The next step is a double mastectomy, reconstruction and a hysterectomy. If they would say it would better my chances of it not coming back to take my arm, I would live with one arm. I just want to be around for a while with my husband and kids!
You always have it better than someone else. Just praise God for the things you do have and give him your worry and doubt. He is always there and takes care of you every step of the way. He did not say it would be easy. I always remember a verse in Matthew "do not worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries in itself" and he takes care of the birds so I know he will take care of me! Praise God we are half way through this battle! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life and look forward to meeting so many more!